Sunday, 11 December 2011

Why Twitter Isn’t The Future by sagarganatra

I love Twitter. I really do. It allows me to connect with people who I wouldn’t normally be able to reach. But it’s not the future.
Twitter unleashed changes, which I’ve discussed and given my thoughts on what we can learn from them, but they haven’t blown me away. Twitter is microblogging, you follow people and people follow you, you post text, images and videos. Twitter’s recent changes allow you to take tweets out of Twitter and embed them on external sites or put buttons that prompt people to tweet content with an ‘@’ or ‘#’ tag in.
Meanwhile Facebook is revolutionizing the web by allowing third-party app development through which people are beginning to interact in completely new and unique ways.
Twitter allows you to read, write, watch and share content – everything you could already do with online content 10 years ago – only now there’s more of it and more of us.

With Twitter you discover and with Facebook you act.

What does this mean? Well for Twitter it means it is, and I suppose it always was, a social search engine. Now the folk at Twitter have to compete with Google+ and hope they had a big enough head start with integration into mobile apps to survive. Maybe with the new brand pages things will change, but I suspect not.
As for Facebook, it means business as usual – ‘Move Fast And Break Things’ – pushing the boundaries of what is possible, re-imagining social interaction and probably taking on real world sharing.
I do love Twitter, but it isn’t and never will be like its big brother: Facebook.

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