Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Google Panda Has Destroyed Small Online Businesses & Jobs by sagarganatra

In early 2011 Google released a major algorithm update called Panda, literally killing thousands of small businesses and the very people those businesses employed. This major algorithm update is a spooky one as Panda relies on artificial intelligence to determine website ranking in the SERPs.
The Panda update mistakenly devalued the ranking scores of legitimate well established online businesses, dramatically killing their traffic. Long standing businesses were ruined, and many employees have lost their jobs.
Many further Panda changes since have crippled even more businesses.
Google have stated that the intention of Panda was “aimed to lower the rank of low-quality sites”, and “return higher-quality sites near the top of the search results”, but the experiment in artificial intelligence seems to have backfired on Google.
Googles’ attempt to remove spam content also removed high quality, well established online businesses throughout the the world. Panda did give a significant boost to big entities such as Amazon, Walmart, news websites and social networking sites, however it wiped out countless numbers of smaller e-commerce and content sites.
The vast majority of these affected sites have been left to completely collapse with no help from Google whatsoever.
Prior to the Panda debacle small online businesses had a relatively equal chance to rank in Google’s organic SERPs. Post Panda, these businesses are now randomly wiped out by a sinister experimental algorithm.
With an 80% plus reach, Google is now arguably a monopoly. It is no longer a case of, if you don’t like Google go elsewhere. We are stuck in one solitary SEO playground which is steering us closer towards paid Google advertising and services with every new algorithm update.
Google may have the right to improve their search results, but millions of online businesses rely on that very search process to survive on a daily basis. As a monopoly, Google now has a responsibility to inform businesses before destroying them. Google must first advise them them on what they can do to avoid being wrongfully punished.
It’s not just about businesses and jobs that are at risk. Google is now systematically destroying the lives of the very people that helped them build their search engine.
As a monopoly, Google must take into account their global reach, power and ability to wipe out businesses with a single algorithmic update. Before making massive algorithm updates, Google has an obligation to explain the new requirements to online business owners so they can adapt before their business and livelihood are destroyed.
In the physical world, an individual or business cannot be held accountable or be accused of breaking the law, if the laws are secret or unknown. It would also be totally unlawful for them to be arrested, imprisoned, or have their business closed down for breaking laws which simply did not exist.
Is it not time for Google to follow the same moral standards we expect in the physical world?

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