Wednesday, 21 December 2011

10 conversion reducing mistakes to avoid by sagarganatra

Designing a website that is conversion focused should be the primary building block when building a succesful marketing program. In addition, your website must engage consumers while driving them to take actions such as calling, emailing, purchasing or filling out a submit form or request page.  These are all things to consider to reduce the number of potential consumer who aren't impressed and leave. Hopefully you are trying to optimize your website and improve your conversion rates by focusing on major things such as the pages on your site.
That's all great and needs to be considered , however little emphasis is often placed on the smaller things that need fixing. If your not paying enough attention on some common website mistakes you could be causing issues with your conversion rates and whether a potential consumer will return to your website.
Here are 10 conversion reducing mistakes to avoid:
  1. Use the full version of your website on a mobile device, even if it takes a long time to load or becomes difficult/impossible to use this way.
  2. Use pop-up windows that are hard to close and stay in the center of the screen while graying out the rest of your content
  3. Show that web chat is available, and after a visitor clicks it say its not available and ask them to send an email instead
  4. Don’t offer an FAQ section or support forums on your site.
  5. Make use of hard-to-read long paragraphs of text that have no usage of bold or bullet points
  6. Make it mandatory for a visitor to register before they can view content on your website
  7. Create marketing promotions and banners that flash or distract the visitors eye too much
  8. Have confusing navigation menus with too many options and vague descriptions
  9. Make it really hard for your visitors to find your companies phone number
  10. Only offer one image of your product, with no ability to zoom in or rotate it

What would you add to this list of awful things to put your web visitors through that reduce conversions?

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